So today I finally made it out to the Golden Gate Bridge! I saved it for my last day in San Francisco and despite the weather looking dreary it was actually a lovely last day!

Little photo of me in front of the bridge!
I did my standard walk to fisherman's wharf - but this time I timed it and it actually takes a lot longer than it feels! Anyway I did a few detours and finally found the City Lights Publishers Bookshop that I've been meaning to hunt down since I got here - there's quite an interesting little story behind it actually
and opposite are these dangling books!
Anyway once I got to the waterfront, I cut through Fort Mason's again but this time I went down some rather precarious steps, taking my life in my own hands to cut through the car park before reaching the marina itself!
I can imagine it being lovely here on a sunny day as there were lots benches dotted around
The walk along the front was absolutely lovely and packed with bike riders
a very blustery photo of me at the front!
Along the beach with the bridge slightly obscured by the fog.
it was around here I was taking a photo and a guy (who i later found out was called Nick) asked if I wanted a photo of myself, I said sure. Turns out he was super chatty, and I ended up going to the bridge with him as we were both going there.
I think this picture kind of puts into perspective the scale of the Golden Gate Bridge!
The fort itself had some interesting bits and pieces. It's definitely one of those where you could potentially spend hours or just peruse through a couple of rooms - I ended up spending a lot longer than I would have on my own but it was pretty nice to get some of the history of the place
I'm really glad I made time to get to the Bridge up close as it's pretty impressive to see in person!
another very very windswept photo!
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