Saturday, 14 December 2013

Day 38 Look Out Rock

Today was all about making the most of the amazing walks that were right on my doorstep in Akaroa. Considering our hostel was a last resort it’s actually the perfect place to do a whole host of beautiful walks, today’s choice was the ridge walk and then the walk to Lookout Rock, in total it all took about 4 hours which was 4 hours well spent as the views were absolutely stunning. The views very nearly made up for the fact the entire walk was up hill. On the plus side coming down only took an hour, instead of the 3 it took to get up, partly because I had to run down as it was just too steep to try and walk.
I won’t ramble too much about the walk other than to say it was the perfect day for it, I have a few tan lines, and the time I spent gazing out at lookout rock will stick with me for life, not only was the air was incredibly fresh and crisp but it was almost entirely silent with only the occasional bird song piercing the quiet.
 The beginning of the walk - through a field of sheep
 The view was already stunning after climbing the first section, and the views just got better
 One curious little sheep 
 The occasional white blob on a rock or a random post was all that guided the way - not the best idea since a lot of the moss etc that grow on the boulders here is white too.. 
The fields themselves were pretty interesting as they were liberally scattered with various rocks and boulders 
 I did have a tiny scare when all the sheep, whose field I was walking through, started running at me. Turns out, the farmer was rounding in the sheep for shearing, which he explained when we followed the running sheep. His 5 adorable, and friendly dogs deserve a mention too – they were so energetic, constantly running around, bounding over all the huge boulders that dot the landscape.

 For amount a mile this was my path
 One of my favourite photos!
 I ended up doing all of these three walks as I figured  I might as well
 (also I really couldn't be bothered climbing back up this point again tomorrow)

 I didn't take any photos from the rock itself as the warning all around kind of scared me, I climbed to the edge and let my feet dangle off the edge but I didn't linger for too long!
 Instead I retreated higher to a lovely little spot where I read my book for awhile 

After my walk me and Karin went down to the harbor in the centre of Akaroa where we got to see the town at sunset, which was lovely as the French themed town positively glowed with the warm setting sun.

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