Thursday, 7 November 2013

Day 6. The Ferry Crossing

Tonight is probably one of the last nights I’ll be able to get wifi as tomorrow we’re planning to head into Able Tasman and we’re probably going to be camping a lot and generally be in the middle of nowhere.

The day had a slightly rocky start with the ferry being delayed meaning we had to buy another coupon for the car, on the plus side it meant we had more time to enjoy and explore wellington, we went to this lovely Italian-inspired café and had some hot chocolates as it was drizzly and grey in Wellington today.

 The hot chocolate was basically liquid chocolate. 

After pottering in some music shops (I got to play the flute again which was really good since I can’t even remember the last time I played, probably last Christmas and it was surprisingly how much came back to me and yet how slow my fingers felt! Definitely out of practice).

We decided to go to the Ferry early and it’s a very good thing we did! We went to turn Bernard on and he started juddering and stopped twice just pulling out of the parking space! I got George to pop the bonnet and (because I found a Mitsubishi Diamante car manual in a used bookshop a few days ago and read it while waiting for Axel) I knew how to check the oil and a few other bits and pieces (like the windscreen wipers which we couldn’t figure out, and how to open the boot... you know unimportant things like that).  Anyway when I checked the oil I realized we had barely any in, and I mean the stick was pretty much completely clean! Luckily we had Axel who I went with to the nearest petrol station and bought some oil. Once we put the oil in Bernard started up good as new, and I’m hoping that that’s maybe why Bernard went through fuel so quickly? Wishful thinking I know.

(And once again I’m going to have to tell Mum she’s right, before we set off she told me to check the tire pressure, oil, and water, and to make sure we had a blanket in the car. And so you know, I’ve checked the other two things and I think they’re all good – always listen to Mum is the moral of this story)

Our incredibly healthy lunch right there...
 Not a bad view from the car while we waited 
The queue we were in  and houses which have an amazing view 

Anyway we got the ferry, eventually, and had to wait nearly an hour, the view was pretty beautiful though so it wasn’t too bad. Once we finally got on board the ferry wasn’t too bad either, only a little seasickness. The best bit is we SAW DOLPHINS on the way to the South Island!
 Our first glimpse of the South Island 
 A small salmon farm that we passed
and it was just before this photo that we saw the dolphins!

We’ve checked into Sequoia Lodge now, and it’s adorable! It’s just like a home and the woman that runs it is lovely. We got free chocolate pudding and ice cream as she does that every night, there’s also free wifi, a hot tub, free parking, a BBQ and lots of other bits and pieces that she’s done to make you feel at home. We’re all kind of sad we’re only staying one night – so sad infact we’re tempted to stay another night!

P.S Quote of the day, George to Axel, 'you're so boring you don't want a hot water bottle'

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